Monday, October 25, 2010

Albom's Perfectly Clear Point

     Albom is making an excellent point in his story. He is stating that Lebron is using racism as an excuse as to why he is getting all these bad comments. He never used racism as an excuse for why he had so many fans or did great things, so why use it the second something bad happens, which is an obvious truth that Albom points out.
    I most definately agree with Albom. People use the whole "you are a racist" bit all too often to justify their actions and it is wrong. Just because people say something mean to you when you do something bad does not mean it is your ethnicity, it means they just hate what you did. It would be as if I blamed the reason as to why Mr. Brandt gave me just an 8/10 on my intro is because I am white, which clearly is not the case... the racism part not the me being white part.
    His biggest piece of evidence is the fact that now, after all these years, Lebron is now leaning towards the racial barrier. He never claimed that people were racist against him when he was making smart choices but the second he made a bad choice and people stopped liking him for it, the reason was automatically because he is of color. It just proves that he thinks he is untouchable by the law and that he is perfect and anyone that disagrees is clearly a racist.